
Behind the professional career choices stand the values and culture of the company you want to attribute your time and energy to. Pineca Group is a multicultural, people-oriented organisation that values honesty, ownership, collaboration, and, last but not least, having fun together. Welcome to the place where your skills, effort and talent get appreciated.

Who are we?

A motivated team of 111 individuals, working daily to achieve more than the day before. Each of us is valued and appreciated for going the extra mile and taking ownership of our projects. We are driven by results, which do not cease to impress even those who have stayed with the company since the beginning.

Our main business activity is international retail of prefabricated wooden buildings: residential houses, garden buildings, wooden garages, and carports. We are experts in the field, with numerous years of experience on our hands. 

We actively operate in 9 European countries: the UK, France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and are continuously expanding further.

Us in numbers

121 people

13 nationalities

59 women and 62 men

88 Lithuanian

7 French

5 Spanish

4 Italian

4 Dutch

1 Azerbaijani

1 Belarusian

1 Brazilian

1 Latvian

1 Pakistani

5 Portuguese

2 Swedish

1 Venezuelan

Why choose us?

Due to our scope of activity, we have formed a versatile and multicultural business environment of which we are truly proud.

The benefits we offer our employees cover all the basics of a modern office plus there are some other outstanding perks, such as epic team building events, workations, additional health insurance, gym compensation and much more! 

Our employees are appreciated and awarded special prizes and bonuses for their individual and team results.

We strive to ensure a smooth onboarding process for each Pineca family member and continuous support of their growth process as soon as they start their journey with us.

Want to join? Let‘s talk!